2023 Medical Device Industry Trends
In this whitepaper, hear from healthcare and automated inventory management experts to learn more about the solutions medical device manufacturers can adopt to directly address the challenges hospitals are facing.

How Medical Technology Companies Must Adapt to Leverage the Growing ASC Market
Explore this whitepaper to learn more about the evolution of the ASC market and what steps need to be taken to keep up.

The Future of Inventory Management and the Tech That Will Drive It
IoT industry leaders discuss how, with the right technology, the future of inventory management will be fully connected and data driven.

RFID Inventory Management: National Loaner Kit Optimization
One thing that remains consistent when it comes to surgical loaner kits and that is that they are a part of a complicated system between manufacturer and point of use. In this whitepaper, we take a closer look at the current surgical loaner kit landscape, the inefficiencies that are hindering medical device manufacturers, and magnify the technology that can correct these issues.

Measuring the True Cost of PPE in Healthcare
In this Whitepaper, we explore the changing healthcare landscape, PPE management, and the role RFID can play.